Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Internal Audit Manager (1 person)
Supervision Manager (1 person)
Audit Director (4 persons)
Supervision Director (1 person)
Senior Supervision Officer (1 person)
Market Research and Expansion Manager (3 persons)
Director of Legal Affairs in Business (1 person)
Director of Legal Affairs in Litigation (1 person) /a>
Manager of Financial Management Division (1 person)
Accounting Manager (1 person)
Accounting Director (1 persons)
Budget Director (1 persons)
Senior Operations Manager (5 persons)
Senior Purchase Manager (5 persons)
Senior IT Manager (5 persons)
Senior HR Manager (5 persons)
Integrated Office Manager (1 person)
Executive Assistant of Department (2 persons)
Senior Overseas Finance Manager (5 persons)
National Project Manager (6 persons)
International Trade Manager (2 persons)
International Trade Director (2 persons)

Internal Audit Manager (1 person)
Job Description:
At least 8 years of audit or risk control experience, including more than two years of team management experience
Have the professional qualifications as such as CPA, international internal auditors or other internal control management, preferentially those with experience in international accounting firm
Have knowledge of auditing, finance, management and general law.
Have excellent abilities and skills: leadership, communication, coordination, expression, comprehensive analysis and judgment and logical thinking
Auditing, law, engineering or other specialties
CET – 6 and skilled in using office software.
No limit to age and gender, but bachelor degree and above
Supervision Manager (1 person)
Job Description:
Assist the department director in establishing and improving supervision policies, systems and processes of the group
Assist the department director in making medium/long-term development planning of supervisory work of the group
Assist department director in making annual supervision plan and take charge of quarterly supervision plan according to the annual operation and promotional programs of the group
Be responsible for organizing and implementing the supervision, professionally guide and manage the supervision, examine and approve supervision reports and periodically produce the supervision summary according to department working systems, processes and overall arrangement
Work with the department director, and guide and train high-level, high-competence, international and specialized supervisory personnel according to the group development strategy, human resources planning and actual requirement of work
Bachelor degree in auditing, law, engineering or other management specialties
28-45 years of age; no limit to gender
More than 8 years experience of internal discipline inspection or risk control in large enterprises, rich experience in retail marketing and trade procurement, and at least 2 years team management experience. Knowledge of marketing, trade procurement, management, auditing and law, and basic knowledge in construction. Ability and skills: good comprehensive analysis and judgment, leadership, communication, coordination, expression and logical thinking
Skilled in using office software

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