Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Europe-Asia Region
Select a Location -Belorussia -Iran -Macedonia -Moldova -Ukraine Russia Sub-region -Russia Center Asia Sub-region -Armenia -Azerbaijan -Georgia -Kazakhstan -Kirghizia -Mongolia -Tadzhikistan -Uzbekistan Middle East Sub-region -Lebanon -U.A.E.
Tiens Group initiated its international business in Russia in 1998. As a basis for the overseas development of the Group, the management staff in the Europe-Asia Region removed all difficulties with hard working, and continuous innovations. They embraced the concept of "Contributing to society by restoring health to mankind", spread the healthy concept rooted in 5,000-year Chinese traditional culture over the Eurasian continent, brought health and wealth to local residents, and made outstanding contributions to the Group's development. After eight years of sustained pursuit, the business of the Europe-Asia Region has spread throughout 35 countries, including Russia, the Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. The number of distributors increased rapidly, and the turnover achieved at a global leading level.

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