Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Latest News

BannerStore (Russia) Report Ⅳ
——A further step,On the official opening of the BannerStore (Moscow)

With combined efforts from Liu Tian’ao, General Manger of the Russian Region, and Zhang Song, Director General of the Marketing Department in the Russian Region, and Managers of the International Overseas Promotion Department, the official launch of BannerStore (Moscow), anticipated by all TIENS staff, arrived at last in the snowy Moscow on December 20
The opening ceremony started at 13:30, in the exciting melody of flying together. Crowds of people gathered outside the store when Kurkova·Н·Б, government leader of орехово district, delivered a congratulatory speech, after which, Liu Tian’ao, General Manger of the Russian Sub-region, delivered a speech, expressing good wishes to the BannerStore and warmly greeting the dealers and consumers present at the ceremony. And then меджидов·С·С, the head of the Store, gave a letter of thanks, and went further to say that the Store would repay dealers and consumers with the best services and commodities.
In the cocktail party after the ceremony, both General Manager Liu and General Manager Zhang held friendly conversation with governmental officials and suppliers as well, in which, they mutually sketched a bright future of the Store in expectation. The Store then, after the party, went into a bustle of consumers and dealers who flooded into the Store for shopping.
It is our firm belief that, in a measurable future, Moscow BannerStore will contribute a magnificent record to the history of retail sales of BannerStore in Russia.
Supermarket Department, Russian Region
December 21, 2007

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