Monday, October 19, 2009

Health care bill

Would you sign a contract with someone when all of the things that you need to know remain hidden such as: How much and can I afford it? And worse yet, if HR 3200 passes, the government will stand firmly between you and your doctor, dictating the what, where and when of any procedure, which will be determined not by you and your doctor, but by the bureaucracy and their word will be law.
Furthermore, read the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the amendments, that clearly states that the government cannot force you to buy anything that you do not want, because it's an infringement on the rights of a free people.
This president is not clueless; he wants to own us lock, stock and barrel, meaning that he will control every aspect of our lives, right down to our bank accounts. This is just a tip of the iceberg if HR 3200 passes.
LaRaza is demanding, yes demanding that every illegal in this country also be covered by this bill! And the president, although he is demur, is clearly in favor of that. If you are a believer when the bill is passed, read what's been hidden from us and weep.

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