Friday, January 30, 2009

New Year New BannerStore (2008-1-4 )

New Year New
BannerStore (
2008-1-4 )

Welcoming the new year Banner Store moved to a higher step of development
signed by the opening of its third branch on December 30th, 2007 in
Medan Indonesia. The ceremony was a big bang as it was attended by a great
number of visitors.At 11am sharp, President of Tiens Indonesia who is also the President of
Tiens Asia Pacific and Africa region, Mr. Bai Feng came and received an
outstanding response from the audience. In his speech, Mr. Bai elaborated
the plan for BannerStore's future in details. Then, he himself cut the
ribbon and released red and yellow balloons into the sky to symbolize
official opening of the BannerStore.During the press conference, Mr. Bai dexterity answered all questions from
reporters. He also explained in details prospect of Tiens development in
Medan and in Indonesia. The new Banner Store opening was a turning point of
the development of Tiens Medan and it should be followed by the opening of
other banner stores in order to provide the best service to public.It was unpredictable that as the door was open, all visitors rushed into the
shopping area to make the supermarket crowded within a few minutes. It was
such a reflection of the prosperity of Tiens Branch of Median.The Banner Store will have a brighter future under Tiens banner.Banner Store International Oversea Business Development Dept.January 4,2008

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