Saturday, October 18, 2008

Latin American Regio

TIENS Latin America was born in December 2003. The Regional head office was established in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Since then, many branches have been opened in the most important countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.TIENS Latin America has the highest organization standard, and a very high level professional team. The Regional Headquarters is divided into 6 areas: The Director's Office, HR & Administration, Finance, Marketing, Education and Calculation & CRM.Considering the region's development and looking for the benefit of this important geographical area, TIENS Group decided to investigate in this place to improve the goods flow. For that reason, a Logistic Center and an Industrial Plant were established in Brazil in order to exchange resources between the countries of the region and to include local products to the company's goods.Some of the products offered by TIENS in Latin American Region are supplements, healthcare equipment, skin care cosmetics, perfumes and personal care products. Besides, each country has incorporated its own products to the market. The aromatherapy products from Argentina are an example of that.Because of its quick development and the social help offered, TIENS Group has obtained the local authorities support. On April 2005, Mr. Li Jinyuan, President of TIENS Group, was welcomed by the President, the Vice-president and several Ministers from Peru, and by Prime Minister and Federal Planning Minister from Argentina.TIENS Latin America has a social service and health philosophy, that's why it provides solidarity support to the different population areas. It already has donated two schools in Peru (one of them has been called "TIENS School") and an important amount of money for "El Retoño" Kids Refuge in Buenos Aires, Argentina. TIENS Group global donations are about RMB.Direct Sales market is a constant growing one. That is why it is necessary to be updated about this area. For that reason, almost every Latin-American branch has joined to the corresponding National Direct Sales Association. For example, the argentine branch is member of CADEVI (Cámara Argentina de Venta Directa – Argentina Direct Sales Association). That is the way the branches are informed about direct sales news.All countries of TIENS Latin America Region have Direct Sales Association except Peru. TIENS Argentina is associated since 2005, TIENS Brazil since 2001, TIENS Chile since 2005, TIENS Venezuela since 2006, and also TIENS Colombia is associated. TIENS Ecuador is in process of association and TIENS Mexico is not associated yet. All countries have laws and codes that regulate the direct sale activity.TIENS Latin America works in committing itself with the company's objectives and the society, to get a successful and healthy future.Contact:

Address:San José 171 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires Argentina

Telefóno: 54 11 4383 2207/4234/3301/4706/2207/5859/3558/7328/6250

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