Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tiens Aculife

product fetures


TIENS life Electro-Acupunture is a product resulting from the integration of the 5,000- year old traditional Chinese Acupunture medical knowledge and modern immunity preventive medical technology.

Through the stimulation of hand and ear acupoints by extra long magnetic wave. the product can improve the micro-circulation of human body, accelerate the metabolism and enhance immunity to prevent various modern diseases. In addition, the product has effect for mild heat massage to eliminate fatigue and promote blood circulation


International Foodsupplents
Antilipemic T

Health Food

Beneficial Ca
Pine Pollen P
Tibet Garlic
Zinc Capsules
Polypeptida A

Polypeptida Albumen Powder

Polypeptida Albumen Powder
Polypeptide at a Glance
  • Every living creature has a lot of proteins made of 20 different amino acids that also compose various proteins.
  • Amino acid is a body builder substance, forming antibody, repairing tissue, building up RNA and DNA, spreading oxygen to all over the body and taking part in muscle activities。
  • There is a kind of medium substance made of amino acid with a characteristic of protein, but it is not the same as protein, which is called peptide.
  • Peptide: amino acid that can be attached to each other in a chain called "Peptide Bond".
  • Mono peptide: peptide that contains 2-10 amino acids.
  • Poly-peptide: peptide that contains 11-50 amino acids。
  • Function of peptide: to carry body message and to manage various physiologic activities and biological reaction.
  • Peptide is a biological active substance that involves in many functions within the body cells of an organism (in hormone, nerves, bones, cells reproduction, activating enzyms, etc).

Polypeptida Albumen Powder

Poly–peptide albumen powder is a good nutrition to cast the balance of peptide element in body for the sake of human health.

  • Before the new millennium, the WHO stated: "The greatest human disease in 21st century is life-style disease" and poly-peptide functions to improve and manage human life-style.
  • Since absorption process within body indicates a very good pattern, one of the researches made is in China that observed and developed the use of poly-peptide, namely Tianjin Tiens Biological Development Co.Ltd.

Tianjin Tiens Biological Development Co. Ltd. creates healthy and beautiful life for all of us.

Protein poly–peptide
Egg white
Regulate, improve, maintain immunity, growth, anti-aging, liver health, etc.
Anti-bacteria peptide
To kill bacteria, microbe, to eliminate toxin
Anti-aging, anti-oxidant
Jobstear Peptide
To protect liver health, to recover from drunk, to manage blood pressure
Milk Peptide
To provide calcium supplement, to resist osteoporosis for menopause women
Timus Peptide
To improve and regulate immunity
Colagen Peptide
Skin and bones of animals
To fix skin elasticity, anti-oxidant
Memory Peptide
Animal brain
To improve memory
Blood pressure reducing peptide
To regulate blood pressure
Sugar-reducing Peptide
Momordica, animal pancreas
To regulate blood sugar
Stimulating Peptide
Animal tissue
To improve sexual function
Sedative Peptide
Animal brain
To improve sleep

Main Ingredients

• Isolat Soybean Protein
• CPP Poly-peptide protein
• Albumin peptide
• Casein phosphoric acid peptide (CPP)
• a-linolenic acid, etc.

/tiens/ap/en/images/POLY_03.jpgTIENS Polypeptida Albumen Youth

Protein is an important nutrition for teenagers who are in their growing period.

Growth process could perfectly happen when the supply of protein is enough.

A-linolenic acid contained in peptide albumin could increase the growth of children’s brain, learning capability, and memory as well.

Researches proved that albumin peptide could improve body strength immediately and improve absorption.

Efficacy for Teenagers:

• To complete the process of body growth.
• To increase biological growth of teenagers。
• To promote capability of brain.
• To increase learning capability and memory of children.
• To improve nutrition absorption in body.
• To improve body strength.

【Suggested use:】

Three times every day, three measurement each time。
It can be mixed with milk, rice, vegetables, soup, or chilren’s favorite food to dissolve this product.

/tiens/ap/en/images/POLY_02.jpgTIENS Poly-peptida Albumen powder Man

Main Ingredients:

Soybean protein
• Palm peptide
• Protamine poly-peptide, extract of Pacific male snow fish
• Soybean poly-peptide
• Mineral matters

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bannerstore profile

BannerStore Retailing International Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BannerStore) is a professional investment management company dealing in international retailing. With a registered capital amounting to USD 250 million, BannerStore has abundant capital. Based on its present marketing experience and channels in 105 countries all over the world, BannerStore has made huge investment in creating international chain supermarkets in a brand-new retailing style. With a fast pace of exploiting and developing the global market, BannerStore is now striding proudly towards the goal of one of the world’s top 500 companies. Its business has extended to a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the Euro-Asian region including China (Taiwan included), where it has made great achievements and displays good prospects in the feature.

Bannerstore profile

BannerStore Retailing International Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BannerStore) is a professional investment management company dealing in international retailing. With a registered capital amounting to USD 250 million, BannerStore has abundant capital. Based on its present marketing experience and channels in 105 countries all over the world, BannerStore has made huge investment in creating international chain supermarkets in a brand-new retailing style. With a fast pace of exploiting and developing the global market, BannerStore is now striding proudly towards the goal of one of the world’s top 500 companies. Its business has extended to a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the Euro-Asian region including China (Taiwan included), where it has made great achievements and displays good prospects in the feature.

Bannerstore profile

BannerStore Retailing International Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BannerStore) is a professional investment management company dealing in international retailing. With a registered capital amounting to USD 250 million, BannerStore has abundant capital. Based on its present marketing experience and channels in 105 countries all over the world, BannerStore has made huge investment in creating international chain supermarkets in a brand-new retailing style. With a fast pace of exploiting and developing the global market, BannerStore is now striding proudly towards the goal of one of the world’s top 500 companies. Its business has extended to a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the Euro-Asian region including China (Taiwan included), where it has made great achievements and displays good prospects in the feature.

Bannerstore profile

BannerStore Retailing International Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BannerStore) is a professional investment management company dealing in international retailing. With a registered capital amounting to USD 250 million, BannerStore has abundant capital. Based on its present marketing experience and channels in 105 countries all over the world, BannerStore has made huge investment in creating international chain supermarkets in a brand-new retailing style. With a fast pace of exploiting and developing the global market, BannerStore is now striding proudly towards the goal of one of the world’s top 500 companies. Its business has extended to a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the Euro-Asian region including China (Taiwan included), where it has made great achievements and displays good prospects in the feature.

Latin American Regio

TIENS Latin America was born in December 2003. The Regional head office was established in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Since then, many branches have been opened in the most important countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.TIENS Latin America has the highest organization standard, and a very high level professional team. The Regional Headquarters is divided into 6 areas: The Director's Office, HR & Administration, Finance, Marketing, Education and Calculation & CRM.Considering the region's development and looking for the benefit of this important geographical area, TIENS Group decided to investigate in this place to improve the goods flow. For that reason, a Logistic Center and an Industrial Plant were established in Brazil in order to exchange resources between the countries of the region and to include local products to the company's goods.Some of the products offered by TIENS in Latin American Region are supplements, healthcare equipment, skin care cosmetics, perfumes and personal care products. Besides, each country has incorporated its own products to the market. The aromatherapy products from Argentina are an example of that.Because of its quick development and the social help offered, TIENS Group has obtained the local authorities support. On April 2005, Mr. Li Jinyuan, President of TIENS Group, was welcomed by the President, the Vice-president and several Ministers from Peru, and by Prime Minister and Federal Planning Minister from Argentina.TIENS Latin America has a social service and health philosophy, that's why it provides solidarity support to the different population areas. It already has donated two schools in Peru (one of them has been called "TIENS School") and an important amount of money for "El Retoño" Kids Refuge in Buenos Aires, Argentina. TIENS Group global donations are about RMB.Direct Sales market is a constant growing one. That is why it is necessary to be updated about this area. For that reason, almost every Latin-American branch has joined to the corresponding National Direct Sales Association. For example, the argentine branch is member of CADEVI (Cámara Argentina de Venta Directa – Argentina Direct Sales Association). That is the way the branches are informed about direct sales news.All countries of TIENS Latin America Region have Direct Sales Association except Peru. TIENS Argentina is associated since 2005, TIENS Brazil since 2001, TIENS Chile since 2005, TIENS Venezuela since 2006, and also TIENS Colombia is associated. TIENS Ecuador is in process of association and TIENS Mexico is not associated yet. All countries have laws and codes that regulate the direct sale activity.TIENS Latin America works in committing itself with the company's objectives and the society, to get a successful and healthy future.Contact:

Address:San José 171 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires Argentina

Telefóno: 54 11 4383 2207/4234/3301/4706/2207/5859/3558/7328/6250

Latin American Region

TIENS Latin America was born in December 2003. The Regional head office was established in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Since then, many branches have been opened in the most important countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.TIENS Latin America has the highest organization standard, and a very high level professional team. The Regional Headquarters is divided into 6 areas: The Director's Office, HR & Administration, Finance, Marketing, Education and Calculation & CRM.Considering the region's development and looking for the benefit of this important geographical area, TIENS Group decided to investigate in this place to improve the goods flow. For that reason, a Logistic Center and an Industrial Plant were established in Brazil in order to exchange resources between the countries of the region and to include local products to the company's goods.Some of the products offered by TIENS in Latin American Region are supplements, healthcare equipment, skin care cosmetics, perfumes and personal care products. Besides, each country has incorporated its own products to the market. The aromatherapy products from Argentina are an example of that.Because of its quick development and the social help offered, TIENS Group has obtained the local authorities support. On April 2005, Mr. Li Jinyuan, President of TIENS Group, was welcomed by the President, the Vice-president and several Ministers from Peru, and by Prime Minister and Federal Planning Minister from Argentina.TIENS Latin America has a social service and health philosophy, that's why it provides solidarity support to the different population areas. It already has donated two schools in Peru (one of them has been called "TIENS School") and an important amount of money for "El Retoño" Kids Refuge in Buenos Aires, Argentina. TIENS Group global donations are about RMB.

Latin American Region

TIENS Latin America was born in December 2003. The Regional head office was established in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Since then, many branches have been opened in the most important countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.TIENS Latin America has the highest organization standard, and a very high level professional team. The Regional Headquarters is divided into 6 areas: The Director's Office, HR & Administration, Finance, Marketing, Education and Calculation & CRM.Considering the region's development and looking for the benefit of this important geographical area, TIENS Group decided to investigate in this place to improve the goods flow. For that reason, a Logistic Center and an Industrial Plant were established in Brazil in order to exchange resources between the countries of the region and to include local products to the company's goods.

Asia-Pacific Region

Asia-Pacific Region of TIENS Group was established in January 2006, located at Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia, divided into four sub-regions: sub-region directly under Asia-Pacific (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippine, Australia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, New Zealand), South-East Asia Sub-region (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal), Vietnam Sub-region (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand), Circum-Pacific Sub-region (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Macau), totally there are 26 countries and districts.

According to Internationalization Development Strategy of TIENS Group, since 2000, Asia Pacific Region has begun to develop its market from Indonesia. In this short period, its business scope has been progressively expanded to entire Asia-Pacific Region. At present, there are about 2 million active distributors in Asia-Pacific market.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tiens Products
http://www.bannerstorepk.blogspot.comTIANSHI Health Products
“Providing high-quality products, education and careers ... Tianshi Health Products NorthAmerica is a proud member of the Direct Selling Association - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Conscious living :: Products online :: Tiens Chinese Herbal Products
Tiens Chinese Herbal Products. Originally from China, and introduced to Australia in 2003, in just over a decade Tiens has grown to become one of the - 12k -

Tiens Products

TIANSHI Health Products

Tiens Products

TIANSHI Health Products
“Providing high-quality products, education and careers ... Tianshi Health Products NorthAmerica is a proud member of the Direct Selling Association - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Conscious living :: Products online :: Tiens Chinese Herbal Products
Tiens Chinese Herbal Products. Originally from China, and introduced to Australia in 2003, in just over a decade Tiens has grown to become one of the - 12k - Cached - Similar pages -

Tiens Products

TIANSHI Health Products
“Providing high-quality products, education and careers ... Tianshi Health Products NorthAmerica is a proud member of the Direct Selling Association - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Conscious living :: Products online :: Tiens Chinese Herbal Products
Tiens Chinese Herbal Products. Originally from China, and introduced to Australia in 2003, in just over a decade Tiens has grown to become one of the - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
6aPQm0V0zHrhkp8UMwALxseJBQ">Conscious living :: Products online :: Tiens Hypotension